News > Web Design

Imagining Tomorrow: Lunar Habitats & Space Exploration Technology

Greetings, Earthlings! As we get ready for the Maine Space Expo, we’re looking back at our extraordinary adventure in space exploration technology and lunar habitat construction with space architect Sam Ximenes and his trailblazing organizations—Astroport Space Technologies, Exploration Architecture Corporation (XArc), and the WEX Foundation. While Sam and his crew were designing lunar habitats, we were the creative force making those . . .
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The image shows a large, futuristic underground facility carved into a rocky cavern. The space is vast, with high ceilings supported by industrial scaffolding and beams. Overhead, there are mechanical cranes and hoisting systems hanging from the metal framework. The floor is sleek and metallic, and there are large cylindrical tanks or containers on the right-hand side, possibly used for storage or industrial purposes.

Why We Love Grids

We are so excited to get our hands on this 13th century design technique. . . .
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PREP Has a Great Mission and an Even Greater Determination

Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) is one of 28 National Estuary Programs in the United States and is doing amazing work, not only tracking and analyzing environemntal trends in the Piscataqua region estuaries but crafting plans to improve the health and resiliency of these ecosystems and encouraging the greater public, local governments, and other community organizations to participate in the . . .
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The Pros at McNamara Salvia Know Their Tools

Tangram 3DS has been partnering with McNamara Salvia since 2016. With the tools we’ve built, McSal is empowered to drive the success of their online marketing efforts. . . .
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Visualizing Brooklyn: The Williamsburg Collection

We are a creative studio and one particularly engaged with cutting-edge tools and innovative marketing solutions. And while we love being the ones at the forefront of art and technology, imagining new possibilities and exploring uncharted technical territories, there is something else that we love even more: when our partners dream up something we’ve never seen before. Recently this was . . .
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